Kim Meredith Testimonials

“Thank you again for the privilege of being at your unforgettable workshop. I loved every minute and count myself jolly lucky to have been there. Muscular content and dynamic facilitating kept me fully engaged throughout. I wish I’d learnt those principles years ago”
Judy van Dam (Director) Stone House Initiatives

“Kim is organised and entertaining. She keeps you on your feet and knows her subject well”
Melanie van der Werff (Group Financial Manager) The MSA Group

“Kim has the ability to convey messages and teachings”
Kamil Kara (BI Pre-Sales Specialist) SAP

“Kim is one of the most passionate people I have had the pleasure of being taught by. Her ability to bring clarity and often sanity to the way we view things in business is evidence of the depth and wealth of her experience in the corporate world”
Logan Hill (Head of Portfolio Industries) SAP Africa

“It is evident that Kim is a skilled negotiator and has conducted many courses professionally”
Edward Carbutt (Director) Revitilize Consulting

“Kim has the ability to illustrate concepts based on her experience”
Linda Ravenhill (Managing Director) Video Live; Finalist Cartier Business Woman of the Year 2011

“I attended the IBM WoZA seminar on Friday where you were one of the guest speakers. I thought about what you said and tested it out. I received a quotation from a surgeon and the payment was well out of my affordability range.

Instead of asking for a cash discount though I decided to use your method and decided on an amount I was willing to pay – one that the surgeon would still see as a good deal. I made an offer (roughly half of what I was quoted) and told the practice that if the doctor did not accept my offer, I’d have to cancel the surgery and go to a surgeon on my medical aid’s network.

Needless to say, the Doctor accepted my offer! Anyway, thanks again for the time you took to empower us – I loved it
Irene Prinsloo